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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Prevention & Control Policy 


For The Secret Garden Rooms 



All of us have been affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The safety of my customers, myself and our families is of the upmost importance. Detailed in this document is the steps that I will be taking to ensure we all stay as safe as possible.   


I have missed being able to offer you the treatments that I know you love, and I am looking forward to seeing you again as soon as possible.  


My priority is to keep you as safe as possible, and prior to re-opening the salon I have implemented a number of changes which I would like to make you aware of. During the time the salon has been shut, I have completed the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Prevention and Control course which is accredited by the Guild of Professional Beauty Therapists Ltd, the UK trade body for our industry. I have since made a number of changes in the way that we operate that you will notice when you next visit. 


Booking Appointments 


If I feel ill or have symptoms of C0VlD-19, I will self-isolate immediately and not come into the salon. This may mean that I have to cancel your appointment at short notice. I appreciate that this may be inconvenient but it is done entirely for your own safety. If your appointment is cancelled you will be able to re-book again, ask for a refund or voucher.  


If you or any of the people you live with feel ill or display any symptoms of C0VlD-19 – please advise me as soon as possible and DO NOT COME TO THE SALON FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT. Please let me know if you are not attending your appointment as soon as possible, where your deposit will be transferred to a future booking. For no shows or cancellations with less than 24 hours notice the usual 100% cancellation charges will still apply.  


You will be sent out a Covid Screening questionnaire 24 hours Prior to your appointment which must be completed prior to EACH visit.  


Visiting the Salon 


For your safety and to maintain social distancing, I ask that you attend your appointments as close to the appointment time as possible. Please do not turn up early for appointments as this may mean that you come into contact with other clients who are leaving. Please wait in your car, where I will collect you for your appointment. This will minimize the risk of the amount of people you will come into contact with.


I have increased the frequency of cleaning in the salon including making sure that common surfaces, toilets door handles etc. are wiped clean using disinfectant products between each client.  


All tools and equipment will be disinfected or sterilized in line with the specific manufacturers’ instructions for your safety.   


Wherever possible I will utilize environmentally friendly items and minimize single use items during the treatment. Items will be disposed of safely after use in order to protect you from cross infection.  


You will have access to soap and hot water to wash your hand and we will also have hand sanitizer available for you to use on your arrival.


As a precaution your temperature will be taken con-tactless on arrival.  


Please wear a face mask to your appointment- mask are available to purchase if needed. Continue to wear your mask throughout your treatment and do not remove at any time. 


PPE will be worn by myself during all treatments. 


I can confirm that the laundering of salon towels and uniforms is a priority I can assure you that all salon laundry is washed at 60 degrees C and changed between every guest 


All disposable items are bagged and safely removed from the treatment area every day.  




I have carried out a risk assessment on all treatments and I am confident that we can continue to provide these safely during your treatment 


I understand the importance of hand hygiene and will ensure that I wash my hands in according with NHS recommendations before the start and at the end of your treatment. 


I will try to make your treatment as safe, comfortable and enjoyable as possible. If you have any concerns about your treatments please let me know. 


After the treatment- In order to avoid handling of cash, I would prefer if you could pay for your treatment by card or in advance using bank transfers. Online booking is now available and will take the payment at the time of booking. 


Please bring with you a water bottle for after your treatment. 


All of these procedures have been implemented for your safety and mine. I will continue to take advice from the Government and the NHS regarding safe practice and will amend them as necessary.  


Thank you for your understanding, 


Carol Anne Brown  


The Secret Garden Rooms

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